Ann Arbor Chiropractor and Ypsilanti Chiropractor Agrees Health is Your Greatest Wealth

Having good health is often something we take for granted until something happens. It is important to do what we can to stay in good health. Sometimes we can or have to place other aspects of our life above our own health. These can range from our children to our career. But at the end of the day, you can’t do any of those things if you’re not in good health. Your Ann Arbor chiropractor and Ypsilanti chiropractor is here to give you some perspective on the importance of prioritizing your health first. 

Health is More Than Physical

Don’t get me wrong, your physical health is extremely important. But your overall health is more than just your physical health. Your health includes your mental and social health is all part of the puzzle. Any of those aspects can affect your physical health. 

Mental health is often undervalued in our society. Mental health is such a powerful force that some mental health issues can cause physical health issues. Things like stress can impact blood pressure and pain response. It can slow down healing times. Some psychological disorders can manifest as physical issues like numbness, tingling, digestive issues, and even blindness. If your mental health is not on target, you will often experience physical issues like aches and pains. It is important to see a mental health professional to help you in your healing journey. 

Social health is another aspect our society does not give enough weight to. Loneliness and isolation is a major issue in our society. Without strong social bonds, people can easily become depressed and anxious. Some research suggests that social bonds play an important role in addiction treatment. We live in a culture that stresses independence but does not stress the importance of connection and life long relationships. It’s not the norm in other countries to live so far from your family. Not everyone needs or should rely on their birth family for support. It’s important to find your own people and chosen family. Life is short. Spend it with the people you love. 

We can Help with Your Physical Pain

Chiropractic can be an important part of getting your physical health on track if back or neck pain is preventing you from doing the things you love. When we feel good physically, we are more able to engage with those around us. Though physical health is just one piece of the puzzle, Collective Culture Health & Chiropractic is here to help. Give us a call today to get any of your questions and concerns answered. We’re excited to meet you. 


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