Ann Arbor Chiropractors and Ypsilanti Chiropractors Can Help with Range of Motion Issues

So many things in life can impact your range of motion. These can range from prior injuries, aging, or even our lifestyles. Our range of motion can become so restricted it becomes difficult to do even the most simple task, like put on our shoes or get off the floor. When we are young, we think we are invincible and can’t imagine a day when range of motion difficulties can affect us. This becomes a vicious cycle where we get less and less flexible as we stop using the entirety of our range of motion due to being inflexible. However Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti chiropractors can provide treatment for these problems. 



Think of all the hundreds of activities you do in a day that require you to use the joints in your body. Think of how many of these activities become uncomfortable, restricted, and even dangerous if you don’t have a good range of motion. If you can’t turn your neck fully, you’re not able to look for cars when you switch lanes while driving. If you can’t bend forward easily, you might before change your lifestyle and plans to avoid any activities where you need to bend forward. That means no more gardening, playing with the grandchildren, or even living with a messy house! Sometimes these limits to our mobility happen slowly over time and sometimes they are a result from a prior injury. Either way, we might not even notice how our joints are working improperly and ineffectively due to mobility issues. Degeneration in your joints can often cause near constant pain. Things like taking a walk become challenging and painful. 


Most people know Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti chiropractic doctors can treat your spine when you have back pain. But did you know that chiropractic can also help improve your range of motion in your spine? When you have misalignments or your vertebrae or joint dysfunction of your spine, you can experience headaches, neck pain, jaw pain, and back pain. These issues can even cause sciatica. Not only do chiropractors treat spine issues. We can help with other parts of your body like carpal tunnel, knee pain, tennis elbow, golf elbow, and even TMJD or jaw pain. Chiropractic can help you continue feeling young and vibrant. We can help you continue doing the activities you love even when you thought you weren’t able to do them anymore because of your age. 



The caring team at our Collective Culture Health & Chiropractic is here to help you with any and all of these issues. We look forward to meeting anyone in the Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor area who might be in need of expert and excellent care. You can expect to see results in as little as 3 to 6 sessions! Chiropractic care can help alleviate nerve impingement, disk herniations, disk bulges, sciatica, and so much more. One of the primary roles of chiropractic care is to restore a healthy and full range of motion to the spine and even other parts of the body. We will give you stretching and strengthening exercises to further assist you with your healing process. Don’t wait one more day. Get back to the things you love doing now. Give Collective Culture Health & Chiropractic a call!


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